Reunion Weekend

July 1, 2008

Nine classes will gather at Saint Mary’s for Reunion Weekend on July 18 to 20, 2008, to reconnect with old classmates, tour the campus, enjoy a barbecue, the reopening of the campus pub and a dinner dance.

Some 600 people from the classes of ’58, ’63, ’68, ’73, ’83, ’88, ’93, ’98 and ’03 will also have the opportunity to stay overnight in a dorm room for $25 per person.

A record turnout was on campus last year, and this year’s reunion weekend is shaping up to be a great success. Already, many people have submitted surveys sharing their memories of their College years.

“Saint Mary’s provided a foundation for a great life,” writes David Neitling ’58. “Living on campus for four years was a constant adventure and opportunity to develop lifetime relationships that have endured for 50 years. Look forward to our 50th celebration.”

The events begin Friday, July 18, with golf tournaments for the classes of ’63 and ’68. Some other classes are planning their own special events; the classes of ’93, ’98 and ’03 are having a combined event at Joe’s of Lafayette and ’68 will have a cocktail party. The class of ’58 is having a dinner at the Orinda Country Club and the class of ’88 will have a barbecue at the townhouses.

On Saturday, the campus will welcome home all the alumni for combined events including an afternoon barbecue, Mass at 5 p.m. and dinner in various locations on campus.

Petar’s lounge singer “Diamond” Dave Hosley will entertain the crowd on Saturday night. A sign of his longstanding popularity among SMC students is that he was recommended by a ’98 alum and a ’63 alum.

To learn more or to make a reservation for any or all of the events, go online to